Ph.D. Candidate in Political Sciences
Droit, Religion, Entreprise, Société (UMR 7354 DRES) Research Unit jointly supervised by CNRS and the University of Strasbourg
Droit, Religion, Entreprise, Société (UMR 7354 DRES) Research Unit jointly supervised by CNRS and the University of Strasbourg
Department of Turkish Studies at the University of Strasbourg
French Institute for Anatolian Studies
Correspondent for Turkey in the EUREL (EUrope - RELigion) Project
This interdisciplinary workshop explores the revival of ancient religions in Europe, examining their resurgence, dissemination, institutional recognition, and sociopolitical impact. As non-monotheistic beliefs—polytheism, paganism, and animism—gain renewed interest and are increasingly leveraged in identity debates, this initiative brings together researchers from across Europe for a cross-disciplinary investigation of these evolving dynamics.
The Ontology of Religious Objects in Neo-Pagan Movements: From Productive Effort to Rapid Consumption as a Mode of Transmission
I am thrilled to share my recent experience as a visiting researcher at the Department of Study of Religions and the Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews Study Centre, University College Cork.
I was honored to present a paper intitled "How to Uprise Against Religious Politics in the Contemporary World: The Case of Turkey’s Emerging Heterodox Religiosities" as part of the Research Seminar on Study of Religions. It was a great platform to share my research and receive valuable feedback.
I had the immense pleasure of presenting the results of my fieldwork conducted in Turkey and Bulgaria at the seminar "Political Sociology of Contemporary Turkey"! The title of my presentation was "Beliefs on the Margins: Neopagan Expressions in Contemporary Turkey." A big thank you to the IFEA - French Institute of Anatolian Studies for their warm welcome, and to Droit, Religion, Entreprise et Société and ITI MAKErS for their support!
On January 20-21, INALCO will host the international conference "Migrations de Turquie en France : état des lieux interdisciplinaire de la recherche et perspectives comparatistes". I will take part in this event by presenting a paper titled "Dynamiques migratoires et héritages culturels : l'empreinte turque en Alsace", as part of the panel "Constructions identitaires et patrimonialisation".