Conference Paper Presentations

Yan Yana Resim ve Yazı

Conference: Material Religion Between Heritage and New Perspectives

Presentation Title : The Ontology of Religious Objects in Neo-Pagan Movements: From Productive Effort to Rapid Consumption as a Mode of Transmission, Kerem Görkem Arslan, Université de Strasbourg

25.02.2025 13:45-18:15

University of Strasbourg

Palais universitaire Room 33

Organisation: Christophe Monnot and Benjamin Gagné

Yan Yana Resim ve Yazı

Research Seminar: Study of Religions

Presentation Title : How to Uprise Against Religious Politics in the Contemporary World: The Case of Turkey’s Emerging Heterodox Religiosities

05.02.2025 18:00-19:00

University College Cork

Chairman: James Kapaló


Yan Yana Resim ve Yazı

Seminar: Political Sociology of Contemporary Turkey

Presentation Title : Beliefs on the Margins: Neopagan Expressions in Contemporary Turkey

28.01.2025 18:00-19:00


Chairperson: Yohanan Benhaïm

Kerem Resmi

Yan Yana Resim ve Yazı

Conférence internationale : Migrations de Turquie en France : état des lieux interdisciplinaire de la recherche et perspectives comparatistes

Presentation Title : Dynamiques migratoires et heritages culturels : l’empreinte turque en Alsace (Migration Dynamics and Cultural Heritage: The Turkish Imprint in Alsace

January 20 and 21, 2025 – Paris and Aubervilliers


Yan Yana Resim ve Yazı

Young Researchers Workshop: Image(s) and Religion(s): Figurative Expressions of Religious Phenomema

Presentation Title : Des temples glorieux au cœur du foyer: la centralité des autels dans les cultes néopaïens (From Glorious Temples to the Heart of the Home: The Centrality of Altars in Neopagan Worship)

Octobre 30 and 31, 2024.

ITI HiSAAR, University of Strasbourg

Yan Yana Resim ve Yazı

Workshop: Les communautés appartenant aux diasporas originaires de Turquie en France : processus d’identification et de résistance parmi les originaires de Turquie en France

Presentation Title : Diaspora turque en Alsace : Analyse des parcours migratoires et dynamiques identitaires des Turcs d’Alsace (Turkish Diaspora in Alsace: Analysis of Migration Paths and Identity Dynamics of Turks in Alsace)

Octobre 15, 2024.

Sciences Po Grenoble, University Grenoble Alpes

Yan Yana Resim ve Yazı

ESSWE Thesis Workshop

Presentation Title : Neo-Witchcraft in Turkey: Tracing Emerging Trends through a Neopagan Lens

September 17, 2024

